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Customer Service Training & Tech



Better Customer Service Training & Tech.


96TT is our solution to the largest cause of dissatisfied patients, poor customer service.

See details below

HUMANRY has developed an entirely new and unique method of training your staff to engage with and empower your patients.  The method is proven successful.  Interested??  We’d love to speak with you.

Patient care provided by highly recommended medical practices goes beyond treatment. Patients are cared for by the entire staff. And that care sparks recommendations and referrals amongst a growing patient base.

 * Published in the Journal of Medical Practice Management.

  • 96% of patient complaints cite a lack of customer service as the key frustration.

  • Customer service, not doctors’ medical expertise, is the overwhelming reason patients complain about their healthcare experiences on the Internet.

  • Only 1 in 25 patients rating their healthcare providers with two stars or fewer is unhappy with their examination, diagnosis, treatment, surgery or health outcome.

  • 96TT diminishes unhappy patient experiences.

Findings from 34,000+ patient reviews

low patient reviews

Humanry has perfected the process of helping us continuously grow our medical practice.

Dr. Andrew J. McMarlin, DO CAQSM

Hi, we're

We are a training and technology agency that helps medical facilities and practices acquire new patients by delighting their current clients.


We do this by helping your patients become advocates.


Your medical facility can be filled with newly referred patients. With ongoing training and world-class technology, your staff will learn how to make this a reality.


We believe there is a healthier model for growing practices and medical facilities. A more human way.


Medical practices with the highest referral rates have front office superstars. Front office staff members refer to your patients by name, recall a detail or two about their lives, and are genuinely happy to see them.


The front office staff we’re describing may have honed their customer service skills over many years.

Humanry helps your front office staff become refined customer service professionals.


Humanry provides everything necessary to grow your practice through outstanding customer service.


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Training, tools, and content to implement and measure your customized customer service program, including:

  1. Training your front office staff to ensure patients feel good about referring and reviewing your practice.

  2. Project oversight and office manager training in how to refine your 96TT program.

  3. A dashboard of referral and review activities for front office staff to follow.

  4. A single point of contact from Humanry with a passion to ensure your customer service becomes one of your medical practice's greatest strengths.

HUMANRY has proven that a well-trained & valued front desk or reception worker will increase your patient load. 


Patients who feel cared about as well as cared for are likely to refer new clients to the practice.



Benchmark current practice performance.


Design the rewards and recognition elements of the program with practice leadership.


Create compelling print material for your office to keep word-of-mouth marketing top-of-mind for patients and staff.


Configure and personalize Humanry’s word-of-mouth software to match your branding and sync with your PMS (practice management system).


Deploy Humanry’s word-of-mouth and analytic software.


Introduce Humanry’s goals, procedures, and outcomes to staff.


Lead in-person group training. Our training sessions are filled with giggles, blushing faces, and even belly laughs. Because Humanry’s training incorporates improvisational comedy it will feel akin to the TV series “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”.


Lead specialized training for office managers to oversee Humanry’s systematic word-of-mouth.


Ongoing analysis of program performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, then offer recommendations.


Weekly reports of performance, which include team and individual accomplishments and opportunities for improvement.


Additional in-person training, one-on-one and or group environments as needed (these are typical during the first 60 days of the program).


Measure Success: Quarterly program audits, reviews, and action plans.

Realize your full potential in medicine & your business.

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